GEO information for IP
We found some Information about this IP.
Continent | Europe (EU) |
Country | Poland (PL) |
Region | Silesia (24) |
City | Myszków |
Postal code | 42-300 |
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Internet Service Provider | P. P. H. U. 'HI-TECH' Michal Bialas |
Autonomous System Organization | P. P. H. U. 'HI-TECH' Michal Bialas |
Autonomous System Number | AS197605 |
The IP address is currently being used by P. P. H. U. 'HI-TECH' Michal Bialas.
Host name
The corresponding host name for this IP address is
Timezone | Europe/Warsaw |
Local time | 2025-02-22T23:14:21+01:00 |
Connection type | Cable/DSL |
How accurate is GEO IP Tool
GEO IP Tool helps you find the approximate geographic location of an IP address. On country level the accuracy is about 90%. 80% accurate on a state level in the US, and 68% accurate for cities in the US within a 50 kilometer radius.