KCN is using 7 IP ranges with a total count of 417792 IPs.
IP details for KCN
Total IPs | 417792 |
Total IP ranges | 7 |
Different Countries | 0 |
Different Regions | 0 |
Different Cities | 0 |
IP ranges of KCN
IP start | IP End | # IPs |
61.??.?.? | 61.??.???.??? | 65536 |
61.??.?.? | 61.??.???.??? | 65536 |
117.???.?.? | 117.???.???.??? | 131072 |
139.???.?.? | 139.???.???.??? | 65536 |
193.???.?.? | 193.???.??.??? | 8192 |
194.???.???.? | 194.???.???.??? | 16384 |
220.???.?.? | 220.???.???.??? | 65536 |