Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy is using 19 IP ranges with a total count of 746239 IPs. All IPs are located in Finland.
IP details for Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
Total IPs | 746239 |
Total IP ranges | 19 |
Different Countries | 1 |
Different Regions | 0 |
Different Cities | 0 |
IPs used by Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
IP ranges of Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
IP start | IP End | # IPs |
86.??.?.? | 86.??.???.??? | 65536 |
89.???.??.? | 89.???.??.??? | 8192 |
128.???.?.? | 128.???.???.??? | 65536 |
130.???.?.? | 130.???.???.??? | 131072 |
130.???.?.? | 130.???.???.??? | 65536 |
153.?.?.? | 153.?.???.??? | 65536 |
157.??.?.? | 157.??.???.??? | 65536 |
161.??.?.? | 161.??.???.??? | 65536 |
185.???.???.? | 185.???.???.??? | 1024 |
185.???.???.? | 185.???.???.??? | 1024 |
192.??.???.? | 192.??.???.??? | 256 |
192.??.???.? | 192.??.???.??? | 6144 |
192.??.?.? | 192.??.?.??? | 256 |
192.??.??.? | 192.??.??.??? | 256 |
192.??.??.? | 192.??.??.??? | 6144 |
192.??.???.? | 192.??.???.??? | 2048 |
193.???.?.? | 193.???.?.?? | 67940 |
193.???.?.??? | 193.???.???.??? | 63131 |
195.???.?.? | 195.???.???.??? | 65536 |