YABESK is using 10 IP ranges with a total count of 10752 IPs.
IP details for YABESK
Total IPs | 10752 |
Total IP ranges | 10 |
Different Countries | 0 |
Different Regions | 0 |
Different Cities | 0 |
IP ranges of YABESK
IP start | IP End | # IPs |
14.??.???.? | 14.??.???.??? | 2048 |
58.???.?.? | 58.???.??.??? | 2560 |
59.??.???.? | 59.??.???.??? | 768 |
59.??.???.? | 59.??.???.??? | 1024 |
121.???.??.? | 121.???.??.??? | 1024 |
121.???.??.? | 121.???.??.??? | 768 |
121.???.???.? | 121.???.???.??? | 768 |
175.???.???.? | 175.???.???.??? | 1024 |
211.???.???.? | 211.???.???.??? | 256 |
218.???.??.? | 218.???.??.??? | 512 |